Simplicity in the Complexity
Kajsa Sjodin
June 7–29, 2024

Simplicity in the Complexity
Kajsa Sjodin
Sweden / Tulsa, OK
This exhibition invites you to journey with a multicultural artist as she explores the complexities of the self amidst the grandeur of the universe. Through art, she has captured moments of deep love and sorrow, steep climbs and rebirths, failures and successes, hope and despair, self-centering and scattering. The journey began with being flung through the air into a ring of fire, and continued through the passage of time until arriving back at the horizon of homeostasis, where everything is the same yet absolutely brand new, adapted into a slightly different reality. In this exhibition, you may discover the art of living, in your own reflection of the human experience captured in figures and abstractions that exist between layers. Each piece tells a unique story, revealing a range of emotions and invites you to explore your own inner self. Join us in this experience, as we celebrate the artist's journey of self-discovery, growth, and reflection. Through art, we can discover a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.