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Paula Klaassen

Artist Statement

Paula makes quilts because they make her happy. Cookies make her happy, too, but they have too many calories. She loves color — soft, delicate color — and wild, unrestrained color! She loves the feel of fabric. Loves it. But not too much, because that would be weird.

Starting with traditional quilts, she continues to strive for pieces that challenge her skills, her perceptions of what is acceptable, and her thirst for what is new and different.

She has entered countless quilt shows and fiber art displays — and won a few ribbons. She has given away more quilts than she can count — and is a popular relative. She is, in many ways, just like everyone else, and, yet, different.

Artist Bio

She spent most of her career as a typographer and graphic artist in the printing industry. After working for 45 years, she retired at 65 with the full intention of spending every available moment creating quilts.

Paula’s quilts have won multiple awards and ribbons, including Best of Show, Viewers’ Choice, Judge’s Choice and many First in Class in numerous quilt shows over the years. One of her quilts was accepted as a finalist in the 2018 American Quilters Society International Miniature Quilt Exchange and toured with that exhibition. Another was juried into, and toured with the Baltimore Album Alternatives exhibit. Her work was juried into the 2022 Tulsa Artists Coalition annual members art show and twice into Fiber Artists of Oklahoma’s FiberWorks shows, 2018 and 2022. She is currently affiliated with various artists’ organizations and multiple quilt guilds.

Paula Klaassen
Paula Klaassen
Paula Klaassen
Paula Klaassen
Paula Klaassen
Paula Klaassen
Paula Klaassen
Paula Klaassen

Tulsa Artists’ Coalition

9 E Reconciliation Way, Tulsa, OK 74103

918.592.0041 |

Hours: Friday 6–9 pm, Saturday noon–5pm
or by appointment

Tulsa Artists’ Coalition is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization

©2022 Tulsa Artists’ Coalition

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