Artist Submissions
Submissions for the 2024-2025 season are now open.
The Tulsa Artists’ Coalition accepts submissions for eleven individual or group shows annually in addition to its annual juried member art show. To see current open submissions, please go to the TAC Submittable page.
The Tulsa Artists’ Coalition annual submissions process typically occurs from May – June each year, with dates varying slightly year to year. Join our mailing list to receive notifications when Calls for Art go out.
We host a new exhibition each calendar month. Prospective artists may submit proposals for individual artist shows or collaborative efforts with other artists. We also invite those who would like to curate a group show revolving around a theme, to submit entries. All media and disciplines are welcome, subject to the physical constraints of the gallery space.
Please review the guidelines below before submitting. Emails to the gallery that only include links to images, social media pages, or artist websites will NOT be considered.
Open to artists working in all media, with an emphasis on the contemporary perspective. Both established and emerging artists who have demonstrated the ability to produce a body of work with a consistent style and theme will be considered.
The work must have been completed within the last several years (unless it’s a retrospective) and must not have been shown in Tulsa in the last two years.
Artists from outside the Tulsa area may submit exhibition proposals. However, TAC’s mission and emphasis is to support artists living in Tulsa and the surrounding area, and this may limit the number of “out of area” submissions considered in a season.
For the purpose of selections, artists living in Tulsa temporarily (e.g., as part of a fellowship) will be considered to be out of area. Submissions will be considered in a tiered structure with up to 2 out of area artists considered per 11 exhibition season.
Generally, artists may not exhibit at TAC Gallery in consecutive seasons. Exceptions may be made in certain instances, such as where the works submitted are significantly different than the works previously shown, the artist is exhibiting as part of an artist collective/group, or the artist is participating in a limited run “pop-up” exhibition.
There is no prohibition for an exhibiting artist to participate in juried group exhibitions in consecutive seasons.
If your work was chosen through the Selection Committee, the art that you show must be similar to that contained in your proposal. TAC reserves the right to reject any artwork that differs significantly from the art represented in the proposal and/or portfolio.
Submission Process
Submissions must be made via TAC’s on-line submission site.
Prospective exhibiting artists must submit:
Visual documentation of ten images, video, or other forms of documentation. Brief descriptions may be included as a part of this documentation. The images should reflect a cohesive body of work.
Brief Statement of Proposal explaining the exhibit’s theme/concept.
Bio / Resume – highlighting your art-related activities and accomplishments.
Submissions will be reviewed and judged by three qualified jurors on the Selections Committee. The Committee is comprised of artists, educators, and other art professionals, and changes yearly.
Final decisions for annual show schedules will be made by July 15.
Gallery Specifications:
The TAC Gallery is located at 9 East Reconciliation Way, in the heart of The Tulsa Arts District.
The TAC Gallery has 24’ running feet of exposure to the street.
The main two exhibition walls are 24’ long and can accommodate up to 11’ vertical.
A convex rear wall is traditionally used for signage.
Lighting consists of a suspended track.
Door clearance: Two doors with an opening of 78″ high x 60″ wide.
TAC’s Commitment:
Installation and Teardown: TAC will assist in the installation and deinstallation of the exhibitions.
Artist Reception: TAC will host a reception for the artist, typically on the first Friday of the month, in conjunction with The Tulsa Arts District’s First Friday Art Crawl.
Exhibition Costs: Thanks to the generous support of our members and donors, TAC has historically been able to absorb most of the costs of the exhibitions, including promotion and opening night expenses. If funding levels decline, the artist may be asked to share in these costs.
TAC will provide images and press releases to local and statewide media outlets and promote the show via our website, eNews and social media.
Gallery Staffing: Our volunteers will “gallery sit” throughout the duration of the show. Normal gallery hours are Friday 6-9 pm and Saturday noon-5 pm. Artists are encouraged to sit in the gallery, as our experience has been that work is more likely to sell when the artist is present. Gallery hours may be extended beyond those hours listed above at the request of the exhibiting artist, providing there is sufficient volunteer staffing or artist commitment to cover the additional hours.
TAC retains a 35% commission on all art sales (30% if the artist is a TAC member).
Artist Responsibilities
Exhibiting artists are responsible for:
Providing final artist/show statement and media promotional photos two months before opening day.
Providing a final price list for the show one week before opening day.
Delivery of artwork to the TAC Gallery at the agreed-upon date. Artist is responsible for all shipping costs to and from TAC Gallery. Additionally, TAC does not cover shipping costs on purchased works. The artist is responsible for negotiating any such arrangements with the buyer.
Cost of any “additional” exhibition expenses requested by the artist over and above what TAC has committed to provide (see “Exhibition Costs” above).
Partial or full show installation. TAC will provide volunteer assistance.
Opening attendance and gallery sitting for in-town artists.
Other Sales: Artists wishing to sell “extras” during the show, such as prints, books or other items, must seek approval from TAC prior to opening day and TAC will be entitled to a commission on all such sales. As a practice, TAC discourages the selling of prints and other items, as this may detract from sales of the artist’s original art and such items are generally more susceptible to theft (intentional or otherwise). TAC cannot be responsible for ensuring these items are not removed from the gallery and will not compensate the artist for any missing items. TAC may also decline to allow such sales if the presence of these items distracts from the overall aesthetic of the exhibition.
Insurance / Liability: The artist is responsible for safe delivery and return of work. TAC will do all it can to maintain the safety of the art while on exhibit, but TAC does not assume responsibility for any damage that might occur. TAC DOES NOT CARRY INSURANCE THAT WOULD COVER DAMAGE TO OR THEFT OF ARTWORK.Artists are encouraged to obtain their own insurance coverage.
Acknowledgement: By submitting to TAC, the Artist acknowledges acceptance of all terms of exhibition contained herein.
Questions: Please direct any additional or clarifying questions to info@tacgallery.org.